تخطيط كلية البنات – بالرياض
المالك: وزارة الاشغال العامة والاسكان السعودية عناصر المشروع: كليات عملية...
المالك: وزارة الاشغال العامة والاسكان السعودية عناصر المشروع: كليات عملية...
Owner: Egyptian Engineers Syndicate. Elements: Wedding halls, social building, restaurants,...
Owner: R.O United - Construction & Trading Company Elements: Basement,...
Owner: Ain Shams University. Elements: Ground and (3) floors, including...
Owner: Private Investor. Elements: Basement, ground and first floors, including...
Owner: Crédit Agricole Egypt. Elements: Ground and first floors -...
Owner: The Saint Eugenie Church Elements: Entrance foyer, services and nave Role:...
Owner: Ministry of Interior - The General Department of Medical...
Owner: Ministry of Higher education - Taif University - Engineering...
Owner: Taiz University Elements: Practical and theoretical faculties , university...